iframe media 自动播放

April 03, 20231分钟阅读


近期在项目中集成软电话插件,遇到不少小问题, 其中iframe播放问题花了较多时间, 此处整理下

media 自动播放

简单来说, 是浏览器限制自动播放。下面是官话

Chrome's autoplay policies are simple:
1 、Muted autoplay is always allowed.  静音的能自动播放
2、 Autoplay with sound is allowed if: 带声音自动播放(以下满足其一即可)
    *   User has interacted with the domain (click, tap, etc.).要有交互动作
    *   On desktop, the user's [Media Engagement Index] threshold has been crossed, meaning the user has previously played video with sound. (类似于有各种条件算积分,积分够了就能自动播放,chrome://media-engagement/ 这个可以看分数)
3、The user has [added the site to their home screen]) on mobile or [installed the PWA] on desktop. 用户在移动端添加到主屏幕或者在桌面安装了PWA应用
4、Top frames can [delegate autoplay permission] to their iframes to allow autoplay with sound.(顶级frame可以授权给iframe加载的内容)


  1. iframe设置allow="autoplay"标, 这种方式适合能操作容器页面的情况, 使用时会有权限提示, 需要用户手动允许

  2. 保证iframe同源,即容器域名和iframe域名一致。


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